My life was going well, work, kids, Mr Moz etc to say it was under control would be being over enthusiastic but we were all still alive and fairly happy.
It was a morning like any other, manic and mayhem Morris style. I had been to the doctors that week to find out I had tennis elbow and trapped a nerve in my neck – standard Blunderwoman stuff.
As my elbow was so sore I couldn’t open a poxy lid so decided to use my teeth and TA-DA chipped my shitting front tooth… a trip to the dentist it was…
The Mentalist meets the dentist!!!
If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you will have realised by now just how petrified I am of the dentist, this fear is real!! This was my worst nightmare come true, or so I thought, it wasn’t until I arrived at the dentist to find out that I needed 3 fillings!!! ( kids brush your teeth.) A new appointment booked for the next day. I had 24 hours of anxiety hell to get through before I even arrived at the gates of real hell… in my mind, I was going to die!!!
The morning of the dentist I woke up after zero sleep. Looking like death. I hadn’t slept all night for worrying BUT I did have a plan, and in my deranged mind it was fecking awesome – I was going to use everything I had in my medicine cupboard to put me in my happy place. (Drugs are bad, don’t do them, unless you have a huge dentist fear than go for your life)
It all started off so well, Mr Moz had arrived to take me and was being my rock to support me in my hour of need. Now you must realise I thought I was just calm, collected and relaxed – it was nothing to do with the tablets but my inner strength and general badassness shining through – WHAT AN UTTER KNOB I WAS.
I was so high I made Amy Winehouse look like Mother Teresa.
I have thought long and hard about how to verbalise my experience and decided the best way was to show you the photos – Picasso himself couldn’t paint it any better!!