Today my mini me told me that a girl in her class told her she had an eating disorder!!! WTF!! These children are 10 / 11 years old and already they are throwing around insults and issues that CHILDREN of that age shouldn’t even know about let alone worry or bully about!
Mill bomb is little, no she is tiny that is a fact. She is a fussy eater, that is also a fact. She eats when she is hungry (normally 3 times per day) and not when she is bored, upset, lonely etc. She never sits still, not even in her sleep (when she does sleep) and often gets up laughing and joking in the night sleepwalking and chatting to herself wondering around the house until I can herd her safely back into bed.
Mill bomb is perfect, in every way. “though she be but little, she is fierce”. She may not like her food touching, she may not like sauce and potatoes and food with a funny consistency but then neither do I and I don’t get told I have an eating disorder because I like my food to look nice!
Perhaps before we teach our children about eating disorders and what the “perfect 10 year old body” should look like, we should teach them to love themselves, and teach them that we are all different and perfect in our own ways. That bodies come in all shapes and sizes and change with age and that no matter how big or small a person is they will always be beautiful.
Millie Moo – You my girl are a beautiful soul of a girl with the biggest heart and are perfect jus the way you are.