
Just a normal Wednesday morning

A day in the life of me… 
Good morning to all.
It’s been another happy morning in the Morris house this morning.
Amelia is on a school trip and Alfie is on fine form happy as always… the morning goes as follows:

1) Millie refuses to get up and is glued to my side
2) Alfie, not one to be outdone refuses to get dressed or in fact move at all.
3) Millie is trying to help but her emotions are all over the place, she shouts “see yaaaa later F@ckers!!!” (then realises he has sworn and starts crying)
4)Alfie loses his sh*t because I ask him to find his school shoes… “They are in your bedroom Alfie, I tripped over them last night” (said x10 times) – He had hidden them because he wanted to wear trainers.
5) The usual 15 minutes standing by the front door waiting to leave…
6) We are out – Amelia rolls the suitcase 2 METRES and drags it straight through a steaming fresh DOG TURD.
7) I spend the next 30 minutes gagging and wretching cleaning the suitcase whilst the kids sit in silence in the car.

8) I have arrived at work – wearing my PJ’s, sunglasses and no makeup!!!!!

I hope your mornings are running slightly smoother than mine!

Have a fantastic day all

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