Most might think the kids have finally snapped me with this title and I’m just about ready for the funny farm, who actually says “Yeah, work- lucky me I get to bust my ass all day long!!”
But I actually do love arriving to work. It’s a bullet point kinda day so here we go.
- I’ve spent most of the night fighting off stealth ninjas from getting into my bed. (I always fail)
- Once in my bed, they turn from stealth ninjas to heavyweight kick-boxing professionals and I’m battered with elbows to the face kicks in the back etc
- The sleep talking / walking from stealth ninjas and constantly putting them back into bed.
- My constant need to piss – don’t judge it’s my age!!
- The morning arrives and I’m more tired than when I went to bed
- I get up very reluctantly ( just not a morning person)
- Break up 4 fights over nothing, Amelia looked at Alfie, Alfie called Amelia a lesbian, one of them dare to breathe…
- I repeat brush your hair/ teeth 6000 times
- Alfie breathes on me pretending he has brushed his teeth – I pick myself up off the floor, death by morning breath.
- Shoes!!!! Find your shoes!!!!!
- Amelia’s reminds me I fail at basic parenting because I’ve forgotten about the 40 things she told me were due for today.
- I spend 15 minutes hurdling them like confused sheep from the hallway to our the front door
- I text work and ask the girls if they will do my hair today as I’ve got no strength left.
- I’m half dressed, half organised and half mentally ready to talk never mind drive a car.
- I never get to drink a whole cup of tea.
So that moment that I arrive at work, my beautiful friends don’t judge, they don’t stare, they put the kettle on, fix my hair and nobody talks to me until 10 am because they know that’s when I wake up.
Then they spend the rest of the day abusing me – Perfect!! And that my friends, is why I love coming to work!
Have a great day <3