Alfie has been pushing our parenting buttons of late with his new found enthusiasm for shouting swear words. We have quite an open policy with questions when it comes to the kids and encourage them to have the confidence to ask us anything they want to on all subjects.
Alfie takes full advantage of this possibly being the youngest, possibly being the cheekiest, he normally is the one to ask the the most obsure, rude and totally unnecessary questions just to make you look like a total twat of a parent in front of others.
Some how Alfie had learnt the word Bastard, unbeknown to us and whilst having one of his usual breakdowns over the most random thing he decided to call us all little bastards when he couldn’t get his own way.
Furious wirh him,I didn’t know which to do first, beat him, correct his mistake in the meaning or rinse his mouth out with soap.
Whilst telling him off I decided to tell him the meaning of the word and how silly he was not only swearing but also using it totally out of context, like a sponge he soaked up the information being fed to him.
Later over the weekend, whilst sat having a birthday meal, Alfie decided to announce to one and all that his sister Amelia is infact a bastard as her dad and I wern’t married when she was born. Then starting asking Daddy Glynnie if his other brothers and sisters were bastards too.
Any help on how to deal with a potty mouth, clever dick 8 year old would be greatly appreciated!!
This did remind me of the time Amelia announced to the lovely school playground moms that I use the C word all the time, horrified I demanded she explained herself to which she joyfully stated that my mommy calls drivers a silly cow most mornings on the way to school. I have never been so happy to hear Mills use bad language!