Familylife, Mr Moz & Me

Baby, I’m waiting…

I love looking at #TBT pictures of family, friends and fellow bloggers, it doesn’t matter how alarmingly horrific they look to the person posting, they make me smile in a way that only Valium and Chinese Takeaway can after weigh in day at #slimmingworld. I started thinking about some of the things me and Mr Moz used to do in…

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How much does a lie in cost?

This amazing and rare situation occurred today that I felt compelled to share it with you. I just want to clarify I’m not a gloater, not one to rub noses in steaming piles of poo…. however So on Fridays the system me and Mr Moz have going on, is that his tribe come and sleep out my house, and on Saturdays…

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