Familylife, Mr Moz & Me

Baby, I’m waiting…

I love looking at #TBT pictures of family, friends and fellow bloggers, it doesn’t matter how alarmingly horrific they look to the person posting, they make me smile in a way that only Valium and Chinese Takeaway can after weigh in day at #slimmingworld.

I started thinking about some of the things me and Mr Moz used to do in the beginning of our relationship that we don’t do so much of now – like talk, or compliment each other or in fact see each other.

Its been a while so I had to dig very deep for this memory – going that far back into my own brain; This is not a pleasant experience (you would be alarmed at some of the shit I have stored in that memory bank)


So I’m going to take you back, way back, to the beginning, when I used to sit and watch Liverpool play because he loves to watch them, to a time when I would pretend I could handle my alcohol and that I loved to cook. It was also a time, that I used to actually make an effort with my appearance.

It was a time when we loved to surprise each other and would often be lay ready  & waiting upstairs and call the other one up – that’s my TBT (although its Saturday) memory. I will spare you the photographic image, that shit only looks good in my mind.

You see, when we call each other up-stairs its not exactly for some “Alone Time”. Its mainly to wipe an arse of one of the turds – which in fact is more like a 2 man job if Alfie is the one needing the wiping! Or to grab the washing from the bedrooms even after screaming to the kids to bring it down – sometimes we call the other one upstairs and when they actually get their slow lazy ass all the way up the stairs the other has forgotten what they wanted to say.

So thank you to all the people who post their memories and to all of my favourite people I have created memories with and thank you to Mr Moz for calling me up the stairs at least 10 times a week for no apparent reason at all. <3



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