This amazing and rare situation occurred today that I felt compelled to share it with you. I just want to clarify I’m not a gloater, not one to rub noses in steaming piles of poo…. however
So on Fridays the system me and Mr Moz have going on, is that his tribe come and sleep out my house, and on Saturdays my tribe sleep over at his.
We were missing one of the Morris Minors last night who was on a sleep over. The night ran smoothly enough, kids were well behaved, watched Children In Need (Humbled them) and we managed to get them into bed with minimal fuss, by this I mean Millie only got out of bed 7 times before she realised I was borderline going to loose my shit and decided she had pushed me as far as she could for one night.
This morning we were woken up to the sounds of mild panic when the kids realised it was 10.00am, and that three kids were due to be at three different clubs all in different directions… we were late !!!
Like a true trooper, Mr Moz jumped out of bed, threw on his clothes and took the eldest straight to his football game (which as it turned out, was called off so he needn’t of bothered) and I wad left to sort the littlies. I just don’t do mornings on any level. As I sat up, I mentally prepared myself for the mad rush ahead, this in no way prepared me for the horrific sights I was about to encounter.
WTF had happened to my beautiful home.
- Clothes – clean, freshly ironed – everywhere – on every surface and floor you could imagine
- Toilet – I shall save you the graphics of this – its just too early
- Bedroom – bombed, trashed, explosions
- Living Room – Risking my own life I stumbled through the Lego minefield desperately trying to make my way to the kitchen with my feet in tact. FAIL – EPIC FAIL, not to mention the food, quilts, drinks and spillages, it looked like the aftermath of an amazing party that I wasn’t even invited too.
- Kitchen – FML – WHY???? HOW???? 6 boxes of cereal and milk were used to create some modern day art piece all over the floor.
I have spent 2 frigging hours trying to straighten the house back into something that resembles a home rather than a squat. I envisage at least another 2 hours to completely get it straight.
The question is – was that unplanned lie in worth the 4 hours of sweat induced cleaning that follows?
Tomorrow I shall set my alarm for 6.30am