It was another faux par for me this week, it was eat with your kids at school day, now I send my kids to school not solely for the education but mainly because I need the break and I can’t be held responsible for my actions to the mini terrorist’s if they didn’t attend.
I turned up, suitably dressed with the right amount of game ( like it’s one hour to make polite conversation to other parents, and remember to not drop any F~Bombs) I have also prepped the boy about suitable dinner table talk as at home it seems we always talk two core subjects, Poo and how many swear words Alfie knows not to say but says them all anyway.
I am of course at the back of the queue because I refuse to stand in a line for 6 hours like I’m waiting for a A list music concert.
At no time do I question why I don’t recognise any one in that queue, doesn’t cross my mind that all the kids I can see look little and still fresh to the school with shiny uniforms… It wasn’t until I had to point to my child from 4 remaining….Humm none of the kids were mine.
Apparently my child’s class / year group isn’t eating until next month on this date. I’m a fucking month early 🤦🙈.
Practice Makes Perfect
Faux Par Parenting